Sweet-Violet-Print-(2).jpg Sweet-Violet-Purple-NEST-(2).jpg

Sweet Violet Linocut Print

Beach-Rose-NEST-(2).jpg beach rose thumbnail.jpg

Beach Rose Woodcut Print

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Queen Anne's Lace Linocut Print

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White on White, Woodcut Print

A Walk on the Beach, Maine, Woodcut Print Walk-on-The-Beach-thumbnail.jpg

A Walk on the Beach, Maine, Woodcut Print

A Walk in the Woods/Autumn, Woodcut Print

A Walk in the Woods/Autumn, Woodcut Print

Flight of the Swallows Linocut Print Flight-of-the-swallows-thumbnail.jpg

Flight of the Swallows Linocut Print

Pileated Woodpecker Color Woodcut Print

Pileated Woodpecker Color Woodcut Print

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Black-Capped Chickadee Woodcut Print

Downy Woodpecker Woodcut Print downy-woodpecker-thumbnail.jpg

Downy Woodpecker Woodcut Print

Nuthatch Woodcut Print nuthatch-thumbnail.jpg

Nuthatch Woodcut Print

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Tufted Titmouse Woodcut Print

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sold out

Maine Blueberries, Framed White-Line Woodcut Print


Over the Piscataqua Woodcut Print


Spring Shadows, White-Line Woodcut

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Maine Lobstah Woodcut Print - Black

Maine Lobstah Woodcut Print - Red maine-lobstah-thumbnail+RED.jpg

Maine Lobstah Woodcut Print - Red


Jefferds Tavern/York, Maine, White-Line Woodcut Print


Morning Sun Reduction Woodcut Print


Hartley Mason Reserve v.1, Linocut Print

Hartley Mason Reserve v.2, Hand-Painted Linocut Print

Hartley Mason Reserve v.2, Hand-Painted Linocut Print
